The National Police Commission conducts two sets of police examinations twice
a year, one for those who are already in the police service (promotional), and
another for those aspiring to enter the Philippine National Police (PNP entrance).
Applicants shall utilize the on-line system to request the Regional Office for their schedule on the filing of examination application. Applicants will personally appear at the NAPOLCOM Regional Office on the date assigned to them, with their printed on-line confirmation letter and other required documents, for further evaluation.
Date of Exam: October 20, 2013
Online Application Scheduling for Entrance Exam: July 29 -August 7, 2013
Online Application Scheduling for Promotional Exam: August 8-16, 2013
The Online Scheduling System is now activated, to use the system, please click hereor go to
Bring the following: For complete details including exam coverage, requirements and procedures, please read this Entrance Exam and Promotional Exam announcements. Adobe/PDF reader required. The link for the online application system can be accessed through the official NAPOLCOM website at
How to Apply
- Accomplish the one-page application form by filling out all of the blank fields in the application form. Fields marked with a red color are required. Submission will not be successful until all required fields are properly accomplished.
TIPS- Use the scrollbar to select the desired option (ex. title of examination (for promotional examinations and city/municipalityname of examination, date, place, etc.)
- When the search result is shown, click on the desired information to select the same. Use the exact keywords when searching.
- Dates are entered in a specific format “mm/dd/yyyy” (ex. date of birth “01/30/1980″)
- For applicants without a middle name, just key in a period (.)
- When the encoding is completed, click the SUBMIT button. A notification message will appear on screen confirming that you have successfully submitted your application. You can immediately print or save the confirmation letter displayed on the screen.
- Proceed to the NAPOLCOM Regional Office or to the office indicated on the confirmation letter and present all the documentary requirements for assessment, payment of prescribed fees and issuance of Notice of Admission (NOA).